martedì 27 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Skin: NEW!!! Laurette Deesses
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Hair: Namie Limited for Singer icon fire Hinako
Sweater: Bobushka Wunderland
Jeans: LM not available :( sorry
Vest: TokiD
Hat&Mittens: New for XY room Tentacio
Clutch: Lolita Book clutch MiWardrobe
Boots: Wellinghton colorable Blackburns
°Outfit 2
Skin: Crank RED MINT
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Hair: NEW!!! Mia hair YHS
Sweater: Knitted sweater Wunderlend
Scarf: Mon tissu
Gloves: New for XY room .::NN::.
Ring: Vintage ring MiWardrobe
Socks: SMS
Bag: *Tea Time*
Boots: Wellinghton colorable Blackburns

sabato 24 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Hair: Quintessa hair gift group Limited time offer
 The group price cut pay money
 250L$ →100L$ Hinako
Skin: Kerly Poudre
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Eyes: Cateyes Yellow *JeSyLiLo*
Cape: Brown cape BCC
Sweater: NEW!!!Tentacio
Boots: event The dressing room Milk Motion
Bag: event The dressing room Glow
Bracelet: MiWardrobe
Pose: Label motion
°Outfit 2
Hair: Gift Rosy Mood
Skin: Nodoubt for Singer Fire event Modish
Eyes: Cateyes brown *JeSyLiLo*
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Cape: Pasar
Dress: NEW!!!Coco Dress for Black weekand C'est La vie
Bag: event the dressing room Glow
Jeans: Leel
Shoes: Monso
Pose: Label motion

giovedì 22 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Shape: Yoko *Lady Killer*
Skin: Mother goose's
Hair: Magika
Dress: Cartoon dress *Tea Time*
Socks: gift  Emery
Shoes: Pixelfashion
Bangles/Necklace: Le primitif
Bag: Butterfly clutch *Tea Time*
Pose: Label motion
°Outfit 2
Shape: Yoko *Lady Killer*
Skin/eyes:  tsg
Hair: Burley
Dress: Tunic May's Soul
Shoes: NEW!!! boots Reila
Bag: Toki-D
Jewels: MiWardrobe
Hair flowers: Catwa
Pose: Label Motion

martedì 20 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Skin: NEW!!! Jennifer skin Deesses
Eyes: NEW!!!Crystaleyes brown *JeSyLiLo*
Hair: Curio
Sweater: Ladies loose sweater ..::NN::..
Leggins: Zebra Pink Acid
Scarf: MiWardrobe
Boots: Peace boots green  *Tentacio*
Bag: Messenger bag green  *Tentacio*
°Outfit 2
Skin&Eyes: NEW!!! Jomna skin *JeSyLiLo*/
Hair: HS hair land not available :(
Scarf: Izzie's
Sweater: *RA*Creations
Socks: (SmS)
Boots: Peace boots brown *Tentacio*
Bag: Messenger bag blue  *Tentacio*

venerdì 16 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Shape: Irene *Tea Time*
Skin: Sandy POUDRE
Hair: Plum YHS
Dress: NEW!!!Soon Mia
Jacket: NEW!!!!Go!
Socks: Gift The secret store
Legwarmers: (SP)
Shoes: Skifija
Collar: NEW!!! MiWardrobe
Bag: Clutch LUSE
Pose: Gift Tram
°Outfit 2
Shape: Irene *Tea Time*
Skin: Tsg
Hair: Gift hair Tram
Mantle: Cowls winter *Tea Time*
Sweater: NV
Skirt: *Tea Time*
Leggins: Gift GATO
Bag: DDL
Bangles: NEW!!! MiWardrobe
Shoes: *LpD*
Socks: Gift Y&R
Pose: Model poses

Skin: Lulu-Rage cappucio (anyversary sale 50-70% off november 15th-24th) ::Modish::
Shape: Yoko shape *Lady Killer*
Bangles and collar: Umpa Lumpa NEW!!! MiWardrobe
Shorts: Aztec short GATO

martedì 13 novembre 2012

Skin,Shape,Eyes: NEW Mya Light by *JeSyLiLo*
Hair: Porcelain red by Magika
Necklace: Abstract wood necklace by *Tea Time*
Dress: Gift dress Tee*fy

domenica 11 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Hair: Indra YHS
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Skin: Naomi skin  Deesses
Sweater: New .:SS:.
Pants: Fashion style
Legwarmes: (SP)
Bag: New black triangle bag *Tea Time*
Shoes: *Tea Time*
°Outfit 2
Hair: Kruder YHS
Shape: *Lady Killer*
Skin: New Sandy skin POUDRE
Jacket: New pink jacket  .:SS:.
Sweater: NV
Jeans: NV
Shoes: UBU
Bag: New green triangle bag *Tea Time*

venerdì 9 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Skin: Heidi skin Deesses
Hair: Tirn mesh hair gift Tc
Dress: Ami Dress blue !gO!
Socks: Braid knit socks SmS
Boots: Sweater boots unavailable LM :(
Hairband: Big bow 1L Y&R
Bag: Yuse bag yellow Ricielli
°Outfit 2
Skin: Anne med skin Reila skins
Sweater: Breath Of autumn Reila skins
Socks: Braid knit socks SmS
Shoes: Prey platform cherry Vive 9
Jewelry: Ethnico bracelets and collar MiWardrobe
Bag: My ugly scary cat bag group gift Tee*fy
°Outfit 3
Skin: Oneway party tan by Modish for SIS event
Hair: Knit cap longhair Slow Kitchen
Sweater: Used knit grey  Slow Kitchen
Jeans: Shiny rainbow jeans mesh MiWardrobe
Vest: Pom pom vest fut magenta SmS
Boots: Boots white Style x

sabato 3 novembre 2012

°Outfit 1
Skin: Tyra natural skin Deesses
Hair: Club hair blonde YHS
Sweater: Reno sweater gift  Emery
Coat: Duffle coat Houndstooth ::Page 3::
Jeans: Trash jeans -IC-
Shoes: Military mesh boots unisex colorable NEW!!! Blackburns
Bag: Le-leather le-yellow bag The plank couture
°Outfit 2
Skin: Anne med 4 skin NEW!!! Reila
Hair: Lori blond hair 99hair
Coat: Mesh wintercoat Shine by ZD
Socks: All colors socks gift by Emery
Boots: Triumph boots GOS
Collar: Paper collar Shi
Bag: Le missionnaire shouldersack The plank couture

giovedì 1 novembre 2012

Shape: Doll shape *Lady Killer*
Skin: Modish skin Nodoubt - zelous SYS project
Bracelets: Harden bracelets leather MiWardrobe
Panties: Summer jerk panties !t
Hair: Tashia hair Truth
Shape: Doll shape *Lady Killer*
Skin: Kerly skin makeup 04 tone P -POUDRE-
Collar: Buffaloraptor collar MiWardrobe
Panties: Summer jerk panties teal !t
Hair: Flourish hair Magika